CHEM 208 Study Guide - Reuptake, Sulfonate, Tetracycline Antibiotics

66 views21 pages
10 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Lesson 1. 1 scientific method: five steps of the scientific method, performing experiments. Set of steps under controlled conditions to propose/test hypothesis: making observations: Tentative explanation for observations: confirming the hypothesis. Validity needs to be confirmed via repeated and controlled experiments: proposing scientific law. Repeatedly perform experiments and modify hypothesis: significant figures, rules for determining sig figs. Counting begins from left with first non-zero number (leading 0s not significant) Zeros between non-zero digits are significant figures. Terminal zeros are always considered significant if number contains decimal: rules for sig figs in chemical calculations. Addition/subtraction: final answer contains same number of decimal places as the measurement with the least number of decimal places (least precise measurement) Multiplication/division: figures as the measurement with least number of significant figures final answer contains same number of significant. When exact numbers, unit conversions and constants are involved, number of significant figures are dictated by the measured quantity involved: rules for rounding-off in chemical calculations.