PHYL 1010Y Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Renal Corpuscle, Metabolic Acidosis, Osmoreceptor

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Explain how these can be used to distinguish between restrictive and obstructive lung disease. (see unit commentary and lab # 8 for additional information) Explain how this relates to the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve: sketch an oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve and describe how changes in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, hydrogen ion concentration, temperature and. Regulation: describe how the central pattern generator in the brain stem sets the rhythm for. Identify the location of the peripheral chemoreceptors and describe how they are activated and their response. Explain how they contribute to the amount of urine excreted. How is clearance related to gfr: calculate inulin or creatinine clearance as an estimate of gfr, describe the process of micturition. Identify whether the factor will stimulate or inhibit secretion: describe the role of atrial natriuretic peptide (anp) in sodium regulation, describe how the kidneys regulate the amount of potassium in the body, define thirst and salt appetite.