MUAR 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Da Capo Aria, Strophic Form, Cantus Firmus

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17 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Monody: one song" characterized by a solo vocal melody with instrumental accompaniment. Basso continuo/continuo/figured bass: a single musical line (bass line) that acts as accompaniment. Score: piece of music that shows all parts in a piece. Part (manuscript or printed musical part): a piece of music that shows only the music that one instrument/ voice performs. Opera (time & place of its invention) large-scale musical drama for vocal soloists, chorus and orchestra (invented 1600 in florence), earliest extant opera ( eudicha: ya co perry performed in venice for henri iv) written for royalty/wealthiest ppl. 1627 1st public opera house in venice, secular material from greek/roman mythology. Large scale music for soloists, chorus and instrumentalist. Two types/subgenres of song in opera recitative & atria. Recitative: song that mostly declamation, less lyrical and melodic, more recitation, describes action, nonmetrical, basso continuo. Aria: lyrical song for solo voices, strong beat, musically oriented.