CLASSICS 2LW3 Midterm: midterm 3

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Republic: 510/509 - 27 bc, res publica, no single authority, executive magistrates (all aristocrats, popular assemblies - power to elect and vote on proposals; no power to initiate or amend from the oor, consuls: chief magistrates. Collegiality and veto > prevent tyranny: leaders of the army. Elected by committee of centuriata annually: collegiality + election and limitation of term = republicanism. Collegiality: more than one person holding of ce in a year. Limitation: allowing more than one person in of ce. Princeps (pl. princepes): rst citizen: primus inter pares. Magisterial powers: tribunicia potestas (ultimate veto, imperium proconsulare maius (greater proconsular power, ius agendi cum senatu (compare ius agendi cum populo of consuls) Emperor as a source of law: constitutiones principum - enactments of the principes: imperium proconsulare maius = decreta, edicta and mandata (decrees, edicts and mandates, rescripta (written answers) - eg. pliny ep.