HISTORY 2SH3 Midterm: Consolidated Lectures - Week 1-6

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In june 2016, lawrence martin, a hamilton-born mcmaster grad who is now an ottawa-based public affairs columnist, reflected on the importance of sport to canada"s history in the globe and mail. In his article, entitled sport belongs at the core of canada"s story, martin laments the tendency of canadian historians to overlook the nation"s sporting heritage, especially as we approach our sesquicentennial our nation"s 150th birthday - in 2017. It"s a gaping hole in the writing of our history. The canadian unity story, for example, has been told chiefly in the context of politics language disputes, provincial frictions, political speeches. As canada"s 150th anniversary approaches, we should get our history right. It isn"t, as historians treat it, an afterthought. It is at the core of the canadian story, our tie that binds. 1. Instead, like martin, we are going to look at the big picture.