PSYCH 2AP3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neurotransmission, Conscientiousness, Takers

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Can"t pay attention to detail, makes careless mistakes (schoolwork) Overall: 2x as common in boys than girls, common in teens. 70% - conduct disorder (leads to criminal activity in adulthood) 40%- tourette"s disorder (tick syndrome) mostly males. Main point: lots of comorbidity overlaps everywhere, only 20% meet criteria for adhd alone. Must look at major problems concerning attention and hyperactivity. Hast to do with behavioural inhibition and response suppresion. Types of attention: selective single in on one thing (either visual/auditory, attention orienting in space- hearing/seeing something and turning attention toward it, arousal and vigilance readiness to pay attention should something happen. Executive functions: cognitive control: response inhibition, working memory. Right cortex is smaller: normally: right is larger and more active than left. More slow wave activity brain is under aroused much metabolic activity (especially in white matter- myelinated axons that carry info more quickly) (hyperperfusion) Higher blood flow in sensory cortices temporal and occipital lobes (hypoperfusion)