PSYCH 2AP3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dementia Praecox, Nmda Receptor, Sleep Deprivation

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Final exam: all the notes you need to know. The most controversial disorder in the dsm. Approx. half of all psychiatrists in n. a do not believe this diagnosis is real. Recurring gaps in the recall of events / personal info / traumatic events that is inconsistent with ordinary forgetting. Symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in important areas of functioning. Disturbance not part of a broadly accepted cultural / religious practice and (in children) not due to imaginative play. Only 77 cases between 1791 and 1962. 50% of cases have 10 or more alters differences between alters: they vary in age, ethnic background and ancestry. **one of the most comorbid disorders with did = somatoform disorders (ex ssd) Like ssd, dissociative individuals have real symptoms (some of their alters may be blind when the host alter, themselves, are not ) Used to be called multiple personality disorder".