SOCIOL 2Z03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Operationalization, Zero-Sum Game

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There are same topics but different questions: a. Explanatory: why is full-time employment among young people declining i. Trying to understand new phenomena: descriptive: what percentage of young people are employed in full time? i. Get a sense of who is looking for full-time jobs c. Exploratory: how are today"s youths searching for full-time jobs i. Paradigms, theory and social research: warehouse hypothesis, work-leisure model. Different types of data: cross-sectional vs. time-based data. How to conduct a research project: figure out your topic - based on theory, values, etc. Today we will talk about step 1 and 2. Social research aims to nd/explain patterns of regularities in social phenomena: How people interact and relate to each other. How people and groups adapt to societal change. What is a research question: sets boundaries for your research. When, what period, location: should be researchable, should have potential to make contribution to existing knowledge.