[SOCIOL 1A06] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 27 pages long Study Guide!

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Interviews can be open or close ended, doesn"t have to be face to face although engaging in conversation. Limitations of surveys: designing good questions is dif cult (mutually exclusive, exhaustive categories, dishonesty, forgetfulness (memory fade and telescoping, requires literacy, data is limited to what is on paper, low response rate, observatory studies (participant observation, ethnography) Researcher is trying to understand a social group and is spending time with people in their social group to watch and observe. they will use other kinds of data to understand the group in further depth. Limitations of observatory studies: low reliability, generalizability. whether the results can be generalized to the greater population, hawthorne effect, ethnocentrism, secondary data analysis (documentary analysis) Seeking permission from a group to analyze information. Data and trying to take a systematic view of that data. Limitations of secondary data: incomplete data, accuracy of data, biases of original creators.