SOCIOL 2KK3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: W. E. B. Du Bois, Industrial Revolution, Feminist Theory

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21 Nov 2018

Document Summary

Ideas that build on classical theorists: symbolic interactionalism, structural functionalism, conflict theory, neo-marxist, feminist theory, theories of race and colonialism. Forces affecting the development of sociological theory: social forces, political revolutions (i. e. french and american revolution, generated positive changes like freedom and democracy, generated negative changes like chaos and disorder, theorists influenced by negative changes were comte and. Importance of reason: involves the human ability to think about things logically. Importance of rationality: use of reason to assess explanations of reality. Irrational aspects of social life: threat to traditional institutions, oriented towards social order. Importance of science: sociology, natural sciences, patterns or regularities in sociology (statistics, objective data; cause and effect. The development of german sociology: george hegel, the dialectic: a way of thinking that stresses importance of conflicts and contradictions in the world. Idealism: emphasizes the importance of mind and mental products over material/physical world: ludwig feuerbach, disagrees with hegel"s focus on idealism.