SOCIOL 2Z03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: De Jure, Nomothetic, Scientific Method

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12 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Science = systematic study of the structure/behavioural of physical/natural phenomena through observation and experiment. Has to be something we can actually test (testable explanations and predictions) Key of science = empiricism: all knowledge derived from sense-experience, focused, organized, systematic version of how we know the world. Involves deduction: theory creation + hypothesis testing. Questions about the nature of the world answered by religious authorities: mathematics/astronomy emerged in ancient greece + egypt. Father of science = thales of miletus (624 b. c: first to suggest non-supernatural explanations for earthquakes/lightening, the renaissance (cid:862)the re(cid:271)irth(cid:863) (cid:894)(cid:1005)(cid:1008)(cid:1004)(cid:1004)-1700) St. thomas aquinas: natural theology: knowing god by studying his creation. Greek humanism: world is knowable by humans through rational thought, focus on human reason/goodness, not supernatural forces, francis bacon: the scientific method. Instead, science needs careful observation and measurement (rational analysis: scientific revolution. Astronomy gains popularity: copernicus earth is not at the centre of the universe, galileo father of modern physics, newton laws of motion/universal gravitation.