SOCIOL 3A03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Elementary Forms Of The Religious Life, Elementary, Human Nature

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The elementary forms of religious life durkheim study guide. Introduction: religions are complex with a history and hide what is really elementary in religious life. Religious representations are collective representations that express collective realities; rites are ways of acting that are born only in the midst of assembled groups and whose purpose is to evoke, maintain or recreate certain mental states of those groups. But if the categories (time, specie, class, force, personality and efficacy) are of religious origin, then they must participate in what is common to all religion: they too, must be social things, products of collective thought. The manner in which both kinds of representations are formed brings about their differentiation. Collective representations are the product of an immense. Cooperation that extends through space and time; to make them, a multitude of different minds have associated, intermixed, and combined their ideas and feelings; long generations have accumulated their experience and knowledge.