SOCPSY 3ZZ3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Contemporary Review, International Labour Organization, Ethnography

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Understanding children and childhood: a historical and contemporary review. Individuals in the latter state are passing through an age-related period known as childhood (marshall, 1998) In uganda, children are those under 18 years of age: furthermore, uganda"s constitution defines working children between 5-17 years of age who receive pay or profit or family gain . 318ce, creation of religiously organized founding homes in 8th century ce , condemnation of corporeal punishment from the 13th century onwards . Children as chattel: global experiences: according to the international labour organization, over 120 million youths between five and fourteen years of age work full-time , child labour is sometimes a necessity, while other times it is forced. Children and childhood in the 20th century and onwards. The new sociology of childhood (nsc: matthews (2010) argues that the nsc arose in the mid-80s when scholars began to chide their colleagues for not taking seriously the study of children and childhood .