THTRFLM 2T03 : Music Terminology.pdf

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Document Summary

Two pitches joined by a curved line are heard as one note. 3/4 time = 3 beats per bar and each note is 1/4 length. Developed in western europe historically important point in the mid 1700s. Good at suggesting movement (leading and arriving somewhere) How high or low a musical note is. High or low range is indicated by a clef sign. Succession of pitches that is heard as a unit (melody/tune) Kinds of intervals used between individual notes in a melody. Small intervals from one note to the next. Larger intervals from one note to the next. Distinguished through letter names (a->g, therefore 7 pitches) Distance between the lowest and highest note of the melody. Antecedent is the question and the consequent is the answer to the question. Consequent phrases often end on the tonic note. Can change key and develop throughout the story. Small segment of a melody that reoccurs within the melody.