NURS 3113 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Polskie Radio Program I, Subculture, Social Learning Theory

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Increased attrition: reduced organizational efficiency, threats to organizational integrity, frustration of personal and professional ambitions, proper placement, fosters personal growth, provides a motivating climate for the employee, maximizes productivity. Increases the probability that organizational goals will be met: leaders who are able to match employee strengths to job requirements facilitate unit functioning, accomplish organizational goals, and meet employee needs. Indoctrination: indoctrination refers to the planned, guided adjustment of an employee to the organization and the work environment, includes three separate phases: Induction: orientation, socialization, indoctrination seeks to, establish favourable employee attitudes towards the organization, unit, and department. Install a feeling of belonging and acceptance: provide the necessary information and education for success in the position. Information must be followed with discussion by various people during the employment process, such as personnel manager and staff development personnel during orientation: the most important link in promoting real understanding of personnel policies is the first-level manager.