SOCI 2000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Field Training Officer, Hypervigilance, Shift Work

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Document Summary

Basic qualifications: the minimum requirements for candidates applying for employment in policing. Preferred qualifications: requirements that increase the competitiveness of applicants seeking employment in policing. Competency-based training: recruit training that focuses on the acquisition of specific skills and knowledge. Previously experienced officers (peos): in-service police officers who are interested in leaving their current police service. In-service training: training courses for serving police officers. Operational field training: instructing the recruit on how to apply principles from the training academy in the community. Working personality of police officers: a set of attitudinal and behavioural attributes of police officers. Code of silence: officers protecting one another from outside scrutiny and criticism. Blue-light syndrome: an attitudinal set that emphasizes the high-risk/action component of police work. Hypervigilance: elevated alertness about potential dangers in the environment. Careerism: individual police officers putting their professional interests above those of the police service. Tired cop syndrome: a jet-lag state of police officers, primarily due to shift work.