STAT 124 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Statistical Inference, Dependent And Independent Variables, Bar Chart

194 views30 pages
16 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Statistics is the science of learning from numerical facts called data. A summary statistic is a single number summarizing a large amount of data. An exploratory data analysis is the process of using statistical tools and ideas to examine data in order to describe their main features. Data matrix is a common way to organize data. Each row of a data matrix corresponds to a unique case, and each column corresponds to a variable. A categorical variable places each case into one of several groups, or categories. A numerical variable takes numerical values for which arithmetic operations such as adding and averaging make sense. The distribution of a variable tells us the values that a variable takes and how often it takes each value. Scatter plot diagram is used to study the relationship between two numerical variables. When two variables show some connection with one another then they are called associated or dependent variables.