PATH 310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Perfusion, Atherosclerosis, Pegylation

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Process that stops bleeding in an injured vessel through the formation of a hemostatic plug hemostasis. Process with formation of a blood clot in an uninjured vessel - thrombosis. The process by which blood changes from a liquid to a solid or semi-solid state, forming a blood clot coagulation. Tissue factor, von willebrand factor, and collagen prothrombotic components. Breakdown of fibrin clot fibrinolysis contains vwf, fibrinogen, fv, fxiii. Once released, these factors can participate in platelet plug formation (vwf, fibrinogen) or fibrin formation (fv, fxiii) - -granules. Thrombophlebitis massive proximal dvt - phlegmasia cerulea dolens best test in terms of making diagnosis gold standard hardening and narrowing of the arteries (plaque build up in arteries) artherosclerosis. Build up of lipids, cholesterol, calcium and cellular debris (the basic lesion of. Atherosclerosis) artheromatous plaque plaques occludes more and more of the artery overtime progressive plaque growth -