PHIL 115 Study Guide - Rational Basis Review, Preemptive War, Papyrus 75
Document Summary
Modern era- 17th century to present in philosophy. Philosophy takes a decisive turn away from medieval philosophy. Human knowledge as forming a coherent body of belief. A set of knowledge claims in several areas, a unified body of belief. The foundation of knowledge, everything depends on the foundation. A set of first principles, axioms, that are totally certain (cogito for descartes, the foundation of all human knowledge). Rationally impossible to doubt that i am thinking. Disagreement about what the foundation is (empiricists, rationalists, etc. Political philosophy: our conception of a just society has a foundation of first principles. The foundation of the theory of justice is the theory of the human nature. Looks at human nature for the foundation of the political system. Mills will stay close to hobbes on the base of rationality. Aristotle- human beings are rational animals (logos-reason). This idea comes into the modern age, that rationality defines us, but it will be interpreted differently.