ACC 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Common External Tariff, North American Free Trade Agreement, International Monetary Fund

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Globalization has removed the barriers that protected national from international markets and sepa(cid:396)ated s(cid:373)all a(cid:374)d la(cid:396)ge fi(cid:396)(cid:373)s" (cid:272)o(cid:373)petiti(cid:448)e spa(cid:272)e. Now increasingly difficult for small and medium businesses to thrive by taking refuge in their domestic markets. Globalization economic, social, technological, cultural, and political changes leading to an increased interdependence, integration, and interaction among people, companies, and countries around the world. Common law or judge-made law (case law) that we have inherited from the common law tradition of england. Legislation passed by either the federal or provincial government. Constitutional law that is found in our constitution acts of 1867 and 1982. Article 38(1) of the statute of the international court of justice lists the sources of law that the. Sources (stated in order of importance; only when the first-named source is not available will the court proceed down the list): Conventions establishing rules between or among contracting states. International customs as evidence of a general practice accepted as law.