[ACS 200] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 58 pages long Study Guide!

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Uruk is a city and he"s not acting properly, it"s a walled city. He"s a ruler bc he is 2 parts god 1 part human, he has a divine rule. Enkidu is this guy chilling in the forest not harming anyone, but people are uncomfortable with it so they ask gilgamesh to ask a woman to civilize him. Has sex with this harlot and he can no longer communicate with the animals, he becomes civilized (fame, immortality, reputation) Becomes a prototype to uphold order by gods for further ruling in mesopotamia. Land between two rivers, euphrates and tigris. Tigres = narrow, faster and flooding, euphrates, calmer, wider. Sumerians from sumer (south) there was a cluster of cities (uruk, ur and eridu), they. Fertile crescent are the economic, political and religious centre of life of this region. Writing- is a system of stories and retrieving information and form of control. It was a token sealed inside a ball of clay.