GMS 723 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Asteroid Family, Employment-To-Population Ratio, Economic System

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Gms723-midterm exam terms: ad hoc, ad valorem. Tax imposed by a government on merchandise imported from another country. Agreement whereby a licensor grants the right to licensee for a specific time period, and in return, the licensor received a royalty fee from the licensee. Licensed good can include patents, inventions, formulas, processes, designs, copyrights, and trademarks: anti-dumping, arbitration, capitalism, collective totalitarianism, collectivism, collectivism. Command economic system in which the government determines the allocation of resources including the determination of production and prices. Communism revolution and totalitarian dictatorships: consumerism. Contractor agrees to handle every detail of the project for a foreign client, including the training of operating personnel: copyright, corporate culture, cross cultural, cross-border integration, cross-border international investment, deregulation, deregulation, diverse-national, early entry, economic conservatism. Economic system in which certain sectors are left to private ownership and free market mechanism, while other sectors are owned and managed by the government: economies command vs. combined.