HST 658- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Different types of people coming together in cities: different practices/ideas about sexuality. In cities you have commerce which leads to commodification of sex/sexuality. Anonymity in large cities: can produce danger and fear, but it can also produce liberation freedom, sexual activities and identities re-form. Deviance (from norm ) conflict resistance surveillance, criminalization, harassment, punishment. Territories and zones get know for different types of people, different types of social issues, social status, and etc: subject to change. Historical studies: primary sources, oral histories (memory and experiences, diaries, objects, news articles, photographs, films, maps, government documents, parish, birth/death/marriage/divorce records, surveys/consensus, secondary sources, published work based on research using primary sources citations/references (footnotes, endnotes), eg. Book, journal article (print or online), research exhibition. Manchester was situated close to the coal fields and mines of lancashire and to the. Atlantic port of liverpool where merchants brought cotton in from the america and asia.