LAW 529 Study Guide - Final Guide: Collective Bargaining, Secret Ballot, Bargaining Unit

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Lecture 9 - employment and labour law (ch 41: collective bargaining law, and ch 42: industrial conflict ) Last class it covered how to become a unionized workplace. Chapter 41 - collective bargaining and the making of a collective agreement. Transition for ers and ees from the common law regime to the collective bargaining regime with ees. Ers are no longer permitted to negotiate terms and conditions of employment directly. The union is the exclusion representative of the ees in the bargaining unit. Rules regulating the negotiation of contracts change -> legal obligation to bargain. Procedural framework through which collective bargaining between unions and ers would produce collective agreements without work stoppages (95%) There is a mandatory obligation under the labour relations act stating that er have to bargain in good faith - if not that would be illegal. Decentralized: mostly at the level of individual workplaces. The most common: single employer-single union-single location bargaining structure.