LAW 724 Study Guide - Final Guide: Grundig, Extraterritoriality, Skechers

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Whether salted means salted for long-term preservation of the food. Different treatment for non-acp countries and requirements were different for import of non-acp bananas. Whether taxing domestic shochu at a lower rate than other western style alcoholic beverages violated the national treatment rule under. Whether imported canadian asbestos products and domestic asbestos substitute fibres are like products. Whether the agreement between the us and japan on semiconductors was a violation of gatt art xi. Did the eu ban on import of hormone treated beef comply with sps agreement. Whether the price increases in the dystuffs industry was a concerted practice or parallel behaviour. Like products established using 4 criteria - violation of art. Common intention for uniform increases amount to a concerted practice to interfere with the natural workings of the market. Grundig for exclusive distribution of grundig products in france is a violation of art. Whether microsofts refusal to share information was an abuse of dominant position.