MKT 400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Environics, Marketing Mix, Materialism

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Document Summary

Anthropology: study in which researchers interpret relationships between consumers and the things they purchase, the products they own, and the activities in which they participate. Attribute: a product feature that delivers a desired consumer bene(cid:31)t. A(cid:31)ect: feelings associated with objects or experienced during events. Augmented product: actual physical product purchased plus any services such as installation and warran-ties necessary to use the product and obtain its bene(cid:31)ts. Absolute threshold: minimum strength of a stimulus so that can be perceived. Accommodation: state that results when a stimulus shares some but not all of the characteristics that would lead it to (cid:31)t neatly in an existing category, and consumers must process exceptions to rules about the category. Assimilation: state that results when a stimulus has characteristics such that consumers readily recognize it as belonging to some speci(cid:31)c category. Attention: purposeful allocation of information processing capacity toward developing an understanding of some stimulus.