NUR 80A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sampling Bias, Sample Size Determination, Ures

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The process of selecting a portion of the population to participate in a study. Too expensive and time consuming to study everyone! Quantitative researchers select samples that enable them to generalize findings to a larger group. Qualitative researchers select participants who will provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of interest. Population entire aggregating of cause that meeting specified criteria (ex: all women in treatment for breast cancer who live in toronto) Representativeness the extent to which the sample is similar to population. Sample: a subset of the population, certain sampling plans less likely to result in biased sample than others, but no guarantee, error is possible, but need to minimize or control errors. If humans were homogenous (identical), any sample would be as good as another: populations consist of subpopulations or strata. Are mutually exclusive segments of a population based on a specific characteristic. Used in the sample selection process in quantitative studies to enhance sample"s.