SOC 104 Study Guide - Qualitative Inquiry, Multiple Dispatch, Data Analysis

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Describe the various types of research designs and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each design. Yet method texts often read as primers on how to kill curiosity by subjecting it to formula. Design situates the researcher in the empirical world. When research questions are pre-specified, the design sits between the research questions and the data, and it shows how the research questions will be connected to the data. When research questions are developed as the study unfolds, the design still needs to connect the question to the data and to fit in with both (1998, pp149- Therefore, creating an effective research design, anticipating possible complexities and challenges in the field, is an exceedingly functional task in understanding any type of study. Although, the choice of methods should reflects both one"s research topic and the overall research strategy as one"s methodology shapes which methods are used and how each method is used (silverman, 2005).