BUS 272 Study Guide - Communication Apprehension, Blog, Nonverbal Communication

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Document Summary

Communication: the transfer and understanding of a message between two or more people. The communication process model (exhibit 7-1, page 258) Formal channels: communication channels established by an organization to transmit messages related to the professional activities of members. Informal channels: communication channels that are created spontaneously and that emerge as responses to individual choices. Channel: the medium through which a message travels. Communication apprehension: undue tension and anxiety about oral communication, written communication, or both. Channel richness: the amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode. Filtering: a sender"s manipulation of information so that it will be seen more favourably by the receiver. Information overload: the state of having more information than one can process. Nonverbal communication: messages conveyed through body movements, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver. Proxemics: the study of physical space in interpersonal relationships. Formal networks: task-related communications that follow the authority chain.