CMNS 130 Final: Communications 130 - THE ULTIMATE FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE

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19 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Final exam study review (from week 13 lecture notes) Don"t spend too much time on the short answer questions. Try to keep 2. 5 hours for the essay portion. Try to give yourself 15-20 minutes to plan out your essays. Essay length: at least two pages, but don"t use an entire booklet. You can write an essay about communication and media which shows you understand some of the perspectives we"ve examined in this course. You understand the broad thematic areas we"ve explored. You"ve done the readings, as well as attended lectures and tutorials. You"re able to support your understanding of these thematic areas by using real-world examples. You"re able to weave all of this together into a coherent argument, ie, take a position with respect to the question asked. Identify terms that might be relevant for short answer questions. Go over all the readings and summarize their main points. Answer the study questions provided on canvas.