ECON 452W Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Peter Bellwood, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Jared Diamond

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Define each of the following four concepts and explain why it is important for the study of economic prehistory: (a) archaic human; (b) radiocarbon dating; (c) blade technology; (d) broad spectrum revolution. Some foraging societies share food while others do not. Kelly (1995) has a theory about why these differences exist. Then use some game theory to show why even when it is socially desirable for foragers to share food, there may not be any individual incentive to do so. Finally, explain how this problem might be solved. Both kremer (1993) and dow and reed (2011) describe their models as "malthusian". In what sense is the dow and reed model. Then discuss the predictions each model makes about population growth, and why these predictions are different. Imagine you are writing this answer for an economics major at sfu who has not taken. Summarize the most important things you have learned about the origins of agriculture from reading peter bellwood.