POL 349 Midterm: Pol 349 midterm Notes- Week 3

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Irsa- ch. 2: the international actors in south east asia. International actors in south east asia, as elsewhere, can be grouped in two broad categories: state actors and nonstate actors. There are eleven state actors in south east asia; 10 of them are joined in asean, Three primary extraregional actors with signi cant national interests in south east asia are the usa, china, and japan. Their policies set the basic economic and political parameters for the autonomy of the south east asia states. Nonstate actors include intergovernmental international organizations, the majority of which operate under the umbrella of the united nations system, and a wide variety of international nongovernmental organizations (ingo) that are independent of government mandates. Unlike the eu, asean has no legal or political capacity to act on behalf of its members in a binding fashion. Southeast asia"s subsystem is incorporated in an international state system in which the basic principle governing state interaction is sovereign equality.