PSYC 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sympathetic Nervous System, Somatic Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System

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Cells in the nervous system that communicate with one another to perform information processing tasks. Cell body (soma): coordinates information-processing tasks and keeps the cell alive. Dendrites: receive information from other neurons and relay it to the cell body. Axon: carries information to other neurons, muscles, or glands. Glial cells: support cells found in the nervous system. Digest parts of dead neurons, physical and nutritional support for neurons, form myelin to help axon carry information more efficiently. Synapse: junction or region between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites or cell body of another. Sensory neurons: receive information from the external world and convey this information to the brain through the spinal cord. Specialized endings on dendrites that receive signals for sensing. Motor neurons: carry signals from the spinal cord to the muscles to produce movement. Interneurons: connect sensory neurons, motor neurons, or other interneurons. Carries information from cerebellum to brain and spinal cord.