PSYC 221 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Positron Emission Tomography, Diffusion Mri

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Document Summary

Cognitive science = a term designated to the study of cognition from the multiple standpoints of psychology, linguistics, computer science and neuroscience. Cognitive psychology = the study of human memory and mental processes, including activities such as perceiving, remembering, using language, reasoning and problem solving. Cognition = mental processes and activities used in perceiving, remembering, thinking, and understanding, as well as the act of using such processes. Intuitive analysis = many mental processes can occur automatically. Ecological validity = research on cognition lacks ecological validity when it cant be generalized to real-world situation. (too many lab controls in cog research) Analytic approach = attempting to understand complex events by breaking them down into their component (and hopefully piecing it all together later) Process = an operation on an external stimulus or internal representation. Performance = the observable behaviour that we must use as evidence of cognition.