NURS103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stillbirth, Infant Mortality, Primary Healthcare

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Right to health= linkages between health and human rights issues. Udhr (universal declaration of human rights)-> on exam: wwii (1939-1945) o o. Finalized and activated *exam question-> december 10, 1948 (international human rights day: not a binding document just a declaration-> obliged to protect and fulfill o. Right to standard of living adequate for health and well-being o o: maternal and child. Drafting and finalizing of udhr-> jon humphrey. Icescr= international covenant on economic, social, and cultural rights o o o o o. Everyone to enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health. Assess by stillbirth and infant mortality rate-> indicators of health situation. Primary health care: multisectoral (not just health) Physicians, nurses, midwives, community workers, traditional: health for all people of the world by the year 2000. Ottawa charter for health promotion: november 1986 o o. Prerequisites for health: social justice and equity is one (human rights) Dr jonathan mann: health and human rights o o.