NURS140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle, Orbicularis Oculi Muscle, Medial Rectus Muscle

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15 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Muscle terminology: origin is usually stationary and proximal, aponeurosis, insertion is mobile and distal, single tendon. Naming muscles: location, shape, orientation of muscle fibers, unique features, origin/insertion, primary function, action of primary function. Four groups: muscles of head and neck. Sternocleidomastoid head flexion (nod: muscles of facial expression. Frontal belly raises brows, wrinkles forehead, occ. origin, frontal insertion. Adduction of eyeballs (look at your nose) Abduction of eyeball (look to the sides) Innervated by abducens nerve (cn vi: muscles of mastication. Elevate mandible / closes jaw: tongue muscles. Tongue moves down innervated by hypoglossal nerve (cn xii) Protrude tongue: muscles of pharynx common pathway, initiate swallowing. Palatal muscles raise soft palate/ uvula tensor and levator veli palatani. Pharyngeal constrictors squeeze pharynx superior, middle, inferior constrictor. Laryngeal elevators raise larynx an close off airway. Lateral - protrude mandible, opens jaw, side movement. Medial - elevate mandible, closes jaw, side movement.