KNES 259 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pivot Joint, Patella, Acetabulum

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Flexion increases the angle, extension decrease it. Adduction is towards the trunk; abduction is away from the trunk. Circumduction is a result of abduction and adduction, making it a circular motion. Motion can occur in sagittal (m/l axis) plane, frontal (ant/pos. axis) plan, or transverse (sup/inf. axis) plane. 3 degrees of ac joint separation: ac ligament tears, ac joint separates, surrounding ligaments also tear so the joint is not at all held in place. 5 scapular motions: elevation, depression (anatomical), protraction, retraction, rotation. Annular ligament connects radius and ulna and keeps them together at the proximal end. Symphysis pubic connects ox coxae right medial to the obturator foramens. 8 important features of the male pelvis. Knee joint the most complex joint and is more medial than the hip joint due to angle of the femur. Menisci prevent sliding of knee joint by deepening tibial plateau. Sesamoid bones are just connected to muscles and tendons.