AGR 2350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Animal Welfare, Body Shape, Belgian Blue
Document Summary
Feed low cost forage or silage based rations. Gaining weight on the animal [increase muscle = not fat] What is the number one meat eaten world wide. Product quality: taste/flavour, health/safety, appearance, animal welfare. Multiple site production (sow early wean barn, off site nursery, finishing unit) Reduces spread of disease and allows for specialization in each sector/site. Rendering converts waste animal tissue (feathers bones) into stable, value added materials. Can refer to any processing of animal products to make them into more useful products. Hair from animals is hard to break down and gets caught in machinery. Four products other than meat that come from beef animals. What is the current price range for both forms of buying cattle from producer. Rail: price when animal has gone through processing and price for diff parts separatly: 1. 00-1. 80/lb. Live: weight of animal before slaughter: 0. 90-1. 40/lb.