BIOM 3200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Common Hepatic Artery, Carboxypeptidase, Epiglottis

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Digestion is the process of breaking down food molecules into their monomers through hydrolysis, whereas absorption is the transport of these monomers from the lumen of the digestive tract into blood or lymph. (ch. List and describe the anatomy of the organs of the alimentary canal from mouth to anus. Mouth: located in the oral cavity; food is masticated and mixes with salivary glands to form a bolus that will be swallowed. Pharynx: cavity located between the mouth and the esophagus, posterior to the nasal cavity. The pharynx is involved in the deglutition process (swallowing). Esophagus: long muscular tube that carries food boluses from the pharynx to the stomach via peristalsis. Stomach: j-shaped muscular organ that is continuous with the esophagus and will deliver food (known as chyme) to the duodenum (first section of the small intestine). Here, food is stored and mixes with acid and pancreatic juices to start the digestion process prior to moving to the small intestine.