GEOG 2210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Trophic Species, Capital Accumulation, Kakadu National Park

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Carbon cycle: cycles constantly, central to civilization (we altered it, caused atmospheric buildup) 3 major groups of intergovernmental panel on climate change ar5: physical science basis, Climate change is a better term than global warming because: everyone is impacted, but not in the same way (significant impact on human and non-human systems) Markets trading more gases, buying less carbon. Urban forestnew technologies allow researchers to quantify services provided by trees & confirm their value as vital green infrastructure. Unlike grey infrastructure, which begins to decay and depreciate moment it"s installed, value of maintained tree increases over lifespangood investment. Climax vegetation: average vegetation of a place, determined by climate/physiographic conditions. Role of disturbance: event perm/temp alters vegetation in ecosystem; afterwards a series of species invasions progress an ecosystem through stages until it returns to same or new climax vegetation. What is desirable climax vegetation ecosystem that forest managers should try to maintain? (anthropocentric views)