MICR 2420 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lichen, Plasmodium, Parvovirus

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Please read all the questions carefully before answering. Section a (multiple choice questions), there is only one right choice for each question. (30 questions, 1 mark per question). Use pencil to fill the scantron/computer answer card for questions 1-30. Use pen to circle the letter corresponding to the correct answer directly on the exam sheet. Answers written in pencil cannot be re-graded. (5 questions, 2 marks per question) Illegible writing and typographical errors could be marked as incorrect (so use your best handwriting! The examination is worth 40 marks and will count towards 20% of your final course grade. Multiple choice questions (1 mark each; 30 total): attempt all 30 questions. For each question, circle the single choice that best represents the correct answer. Organism b converts lactate to co2 + hydrogen, and organism c generates methane from the hydrogen and co.