NUTR 4090 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Short-Chain Fatty Acid, Jerusalem Artichoke, Chicory

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Functional foods and nutraceuticals nutr/food*4090 midterm examination 2 answer key q1-6 1. Health canada has recently concluded that ingestion of 2 g per day of plant sterols can reduce ldl-cholesterol by 9% in moderately hypercholesterolemic patients and consequently they have approved a health claim for foods containing plant sterols. 1 mark they function by causing an increase in fecal excretion of cholesterol from bile, which reduces the amount of reabsorbed and recycled serum cholesterol. They are easily taken up into intestinal enterocytes but they do not become part of chylomicrons (since they cannot be esterified). Hence they cause an upregulation of intestinal cholesterol efflux transporters, pumping sterols and cholesterol back into the lumen. Since cholesterol recycling is reduced, synthesis of cholesterol in the liver is upregulated but also ldl receptor proteins are upregulated, the net result is a reduction in circulating ldls and an increase in fecal cholesterol.