PSYC 2310 Midterm: midterm 2 review.docx

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Conformity: a change in behaviour or belief as a result of real or imaged pressure from others: when we are uncertain what to do, we follow the crowd, we follow authority, even if it doesn"t make sense ex. Muzafer sherif: autokinetic effect: perception of light in a darkened room: participants were to guess how much the light moved each time it flashed, when in fact it didn"t move at all. Alone: each participant reported a different amount. Groups: conformed to the group average, gradually agreeing to 4inches. Solomon asch: unambiguous stimuli- length of line: set up a situation where the correct answer is obvious: length of a line matched to another. Groups of 4 with 3 giving the wrong answer: only 23% always gave the correct answer. 32% made 7 or more errors: demonstrates normative social influence: conforming to other people in order to be liked and accepted.