EARTH221 Study Guide - Final Guide: From Here On Out, Cosmic Ray, Ionic Bonding

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Isobars = same a, different z and n. Isotopes = same z, different a and n. Radioactive (>90% of all isotopes: long lived: slow decay, short-lived: rapid decay, cosmogenic: rapid decay, extinct: rapid decay. Spontaneous fission: z>92, nucleus splits, products undergo b- Induced fission: fire n at 235u, causing splitting. Neucleosynthesis requires t & p, which creates atomic nuclei: big bang, stellar nucleusynthesis (star"s life, explosive nucleosynthesis (stars death, galactic nucleosynthesis. 3-20 minutes: 3h, 4he,3he main source of he and h. How we know sun is burning h: space probe. T increases towards the center of a star. Heavier elements towards the center of the star. Mass of star dictates how far into synthesis it goes. Photo-disintegration ; neuclide splits apart after being hit by gamma ray. 2 ways to produce heavier elements: s-process star"s life r-procss star"s death. Supernovae after si-burning: star collaspes in <<1s to density of nuclear matter. Photodisintegration of many existing nuclei causes large n flux.