MUSIC255 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gioachino Rossini, Symphonie Fantastique, Cabaletta

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Idee fixe: term coined by hector berlioz for a melody that is used throughout a piece to represent a person, thing or idea, transforming it to suit the mood and situation. Choral societies: amateur chorus whose members sing for their own enjoyment and may pay dues to purchase music, pay the conductor and meet other expenses. A cappella: manner of choral singing without instrumental accompaniment. Shape-note singing: a tradition of group singing that arose in the 19th century america, named after the. Notation used in song collections in which the shape of the noteheads indicates the solmization syllables allowing for easy sight reading in parts. Bel canto: elegant italian vocal style of the early nineteenth century marked by lyrical embellished and florid melodies that show off the beauty and agility and fluency of the singer"s voice. Exoticism: 19th century based trend in which composers wrote music that evoked feelings and settings of distant lands or foreign cultures.

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