[PSYCH 211] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (24 pages long)

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Chapter 6: cognitive development in infancy and toddlerhood. Piaget"s ideas a(cid:271)out cog(cid:374)iti(cid:448)e cha(cid:374)ge: schemes: i(cid:374) piaget"s theo(cid:396)(cid:455), a spe(cid:272)ifi(cid:272) ps(cid:455)(cid:272)hologi(cid:272)al st(cid:396)u(cid:272)tu(cid:396)e, o(cid:396) o(cid:396)ga(cid:374)ized (cid:449)a(cid:455) of (cid:373)aki(cid:374)g se(cid:374)se of experience, that changes with age, 2 processes account for change in schemes: adaption and organization. Adaption: adaption: the process of building schemes through direct interactions with environment. The sensorimotor stage: divided sensorimotor stage into 6 sub-stages: table 6. 1, p. 205, 1. Reflexive schemes (birth 1 month): newborn reflexes: 2. Primary circular reaction (1-(cid:1008) (cid:373)o(cid:374)ths(cid:895): (cid:373)oto(cid:396) ha(cid:271)its (cid:272)e(cid:374)te(cid:396)ed a(cid:396)ou(cid:374)d i(cid:374)fa(cid:374)t"s o(cid:449)(cid:374) body: 3. Secondary circular reaction (4-8 months): actions aimed at repeating interesting effects in surrounding world; imitation of familiar behaviour: 4. Coordination of secondary circular reaction (8-12 months): intentional or goal- oriented behaviours: 5. Tertiary circular reaction (12-18 months): exploration of properties of objects by acting on them in novel way: 6.