PSYCH 338 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Group Cohesiveness, Punctuated Equilibrium, Negotiation

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Chapter 8 social influence, socialization, and organizational culture. Information dependence reliance on others for information on how to think, feel, and act. Social information processing theory information from others is used to interpret events and develop expectations about appropriate and acceptable attitudes and behaviours. Effect dependence reliance on others due to their capacity to provide rewards and punishment. Compliance conformity to a social norm prompted by the desire to acquire rewards or avoid punishment. Identification conformity to a social norm prompted by perception that those who promote the norm are attractive or similar to oneself. Internalization conformity to a social norm prompted by true acceptance of the beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie the norm. Socialization the process by which people learn the attitudes, knowledge, and behaviours that are necessary to function in a group or organization. Person-job fit the match between an employee"s knowledge, skills, and abilities and the requirements of a job.