SOC101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Critical Race Theory, Poet Shirt, Judith Butler

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Sex: a determination of male or female on the basis of a set of socially agreed-upon biological criteria. Transsexual: a person who undergoes sex reassignment, which may include surgeries. Hegemonic masculinity: the normative ideal of dominant masculinity. Chivalry hypothesis: belief that female offenders are treated more leniently by law enforcement officials as a result of the latter s traditional chivalrous attitude toward women. Deviance: actions that violate social norms and may or may not be against the law. Sexual identity: broad term including masculinity or femininity, our knowledge of our bodies, our sexual histories, and our sexual preferences. Bisexuality: attracted to both men and women. Serial monogamy: relationship pattern that has one monogamous relationship following another. Exception fallacy: drawing conclusions about an entire group based on observations of individuals. Gender: social distinctions between masculinity and femininity. Transgender: an umbrella term for a range of people who do not fit into normative constructions of sex and gender.

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