ARCL 204 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chamber Tomb, Palimpsest, Bluestone

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Upper paleolithic - 50 to 10 thousand years ago. Neolithic (new stone age) - 10 to c. 4 thousand years ago. K-ar (potassium-argon) radiometric dating is a method used in geochronology and archaeology. Based on measuring radioactive decay of a potassium isotope into argon on the product. Carbon-14 dating) is a method of determining age of an object containing organic material. Based on measuring radioactive decay of carbon 14 isotope. Artifact: man-made object, typically an item of cultural or historical interest. Feature: human, non-portable activity that has some relation to site stratigraphy (ex. pits, hearths, walls, ditches, footprints) Archaeological practice is historically contingent (cid:312)archaeological interpretation, though initially subjective, becomes less influenced by social biases+less susceptible to political manipulation as archaeological data base grows. [thus] archaeological evidence has the capacity to limit speculation about the past. (cid:313) Pioneer archaeologist who recorded megalithic/other field monuments in southern england. Aubrey holes at stonehenge are named after him.