EOSC 114 Final: Earthquakes Learning Objectives

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Explain what density is & how it relates to stratification. Density = mass/volume (how much matter is in a space) Less dense materials float on top of denser materials (creates layers/stratification) Define fluid, viscosity, and compressibility and how they relate to the phases of matter. Viscosity: how thick a fluid is, measure of resistance to flow, depends on temperature & chemical structure (high viscosity - thick, slow flow; low viscosity - runny, quick flow) Compressibility: able to be squeezed/expanded, so that the mass fills less/more space - results in change in density (mass/volume) of the object, b/c of the volume change. The force of gravity attracts matter i. e masses to each other. objects of mass m near the earth"s surface are pulled with force. Latent heat: kind of potential energy, hidden heat energy in chemical bonds between atoms. sensible heat stored as latent heat during melting/boiling. released as sensible heat when condensing or freezing or depositing.